Humorous Wedding Speech

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Name: Chris Miles Purpose: To commemorate Specific purpose: To commemorate the day gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states Location: Peoria Pride Rally Thesis: We gather here to this pride rally today to commemorate the legalization of gay marriage nationwide as well as remember all the U.S. has done to support marriage equality for all. I. Introduction A. Hello everyone, and thanks for gathering to this Peoria Pride rally on such short notice. 1. Today is June 26, 2015, and for the LGBT community, it is a very important day; gay marriage has been made legal in all 50 states. 2. We gather here to this pride rally today to commemorate the legalization of gay marriage nationwide as well as remember all the U.S. has done to support marriage…show more content…
Today’s ruling also proves that despite what critics think, gay couples do want to be in monogamous marriages just like straight people and aren’t just looking for promiscuous, open relationships. 2. Second of all, the implications of the acceptance of interracial couples today suggests gay couples will also face less prejudice over time. a. Just as ‘interracial marriage’ is now just known as ‘marriage’, ‘gay marriage’ will be simply known as ‘marriage’ as society’s acceptance of gay couples in general rises over time. b. Critics of gay rights like Mike Huckabee say that the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement have nothing in common, yet both groups have been targets of workplace discrimination, rape and violence. c. The fight for LGBT rights has a lot in common with civil rights movements from the past, and if history is any indication, things can only get better for LGBT rights from here on out. d. And in a few decades, opposition to gay marriage will likely be met with the same level of disgust as is opposition to interracial marriage is today. III. Conclusion A. Today’s court decision demonstrates how our freedom is fought for not just outside our country in foreign wars but also within our own country, with members and supporters of the LGBT community such as me and all of you as the

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