How To Make An Au Pair Stay Essay

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Process essay: How to prepare for an au pair stay Spending some time abroad, getting to know a new country or culture by first hand experience, improving your language skills, while earning some money taking care of children. Those are some of the reasons why people decide to become an au pair. But before you start your au pair stay, there are a few things you need to organise. (more details) First of all, check if you have what it takes to work as an au pair. You should be between 18 and 30 years old, unmarried without children, able to pay for your travel costs, and of course you should want to work with children and get to know a new country. The next step is to decide which country you would like to go. When deciding on a country is crucial to consider your language skills. You ought to have at least a basic knowledge of the language, so that you are able to communicate with your host family, especially the children. Otherwise, it will be very hard for you to get through your daily life. Also look up the countries…show more content…
Depending on your host country, this might even be mandatory. Although the thought of going to school after work might not seem very tempting, it is definitely worth it. There are lots of benefits besides gaining a certificate that will look good on your CV. First of all, you will further improve your language skills. You will positively gain fluency when using the language on a daily basis, but the classes can help you improve your grammar or writing skills. Second, going to language classes is a great opportunity to meet other people your age, who are often au pairs as well. As an au pair you will spend most of your day with children, so it will be nice to meet people your age and get out of the family for a change. If you are German there is a financial benefit as well; taking language classes while being an au pair will extend your qualification for receiving family

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