Dallas Museum Of Art Analysis

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While visiting the Dallas Museum of Art, I was intrigued by the Soziale Fassade (Social Façade) works created by the German artist Isa Genzken in 2002. There was one in particular that caught my attention the most, but it did not have a specific name. As I observed this piece of art, I felt that the artist had used many elements of art and principles of design that made this piece so interesting to me and I also realized that I could closely relate it to the short story “Blow-Up” by Julio Cortazar. The artwork is 23 5/8” x 31 ½” and it is made out of metal, plastic, and mosaic foil. It appears to me like Genzken took pieces that look like glass and put them together to create this piece of art. The texture is visibly smooth all throughout and…show more content…
The artwork created such an interesting reflection of me that gave me the feeling of confusion. As I walked by it, I noticed that although I could see my reflection, it was very distorted and blurry. I could not really distinguish my features from far away. Also, the different parts of the artwork reflected my image differently. When I got really close to the artwork, the top squares made my eyes and mouth look really big and my nose really small. Although I could see my eyes, mouth, and nose clearly, the reflection of my face as a whole still looked distorted. The part of the artwork that has a golden color had a lot of squares that looked as if they were each a mini convex mirror. I could see my tiny reflection in each one. The reflection effect that this artwork created reminded me of Julio Cortazar’s short story “Blow-Up”. In the short story, Roberto Michel’s assumption of what is happening between the boy and the blond woman is quite imprecise compared to the reality of the situation. Michel’s observations of the situation before he takes the photograph remind me of the individual pieces Genzken used to put together the artwork. His observations and the individual pieces come together to form an entire image. Michel starts creating an image of what led up to that specific moment between the boy and the blond woman and of what is going to happen after. The artwork relates to this because just like Michel’s observations, the individual pieces in the artwork create an overall reflection that is distorted. Although Michel made good observations, it was not until after he developed the photo and enlarged it that he realized what had really happened. All the pieces had been there, he just had not seen the bigger picture. The artwork is very similar because from far away I could see my overall reflection even though it was blurry, but when I looked at it up close, I

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