How Is Scrooge Presented In Great Expectations

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During the initial three stave we are introduced to many children character, that have many different themes that they represent, for example little fan is joyful where as ignorance and want are a complete contrast, although we have many contrasting character the main theme that dickens is trying to show is that childhood is not a very joyful time for many Firstly we are introduced to the juvenile scrooge who dickens presents him as being a lonely boy, he is told by the ghost of Christmas past that “[his] school is not quite deserted […] that in fact a solitary child neglected by his friends is still there” dickens uses the adjective ‘solitary’ to show that the young scrooge is by himself and doesn't require any assistance from anyone. Moreover this quote could relate back to the initial stave where Dickens describes Scrooge as being ‘as solitary as an oyster’ which shows that scrooge has been affected by his childhood; a reason for his future traits. Some people may interpret ‘ neglected by his friends’ as showing the fact that nobody likes Scrooge, even the people that he calls ‘friends’, during the Victorian period an outcast would have not been a good title to hold over you head as outcast were people that were rejected from society;…show more content…
Scrooge is told to “beware of this boy [Ignorance], for on his brow [he sees] that written which is doom, unless it is erased”. Dickens chooses to use the adjective ‘doom’ to show that this child is condemned to his death or destruction, this could also be seen a foreshadow to the next spirit and is a warning to Scrooge. Dickens also uses the metaphor ‘written’ to show that this boy has an eerie atmosphere surrounding him. Dickens chose to use this particular quote to show that childhood is not always a happy

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