How Is Paul Baumer A Perfect Representative For The Lost Generation Of Ww1

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How Is Paul Baumer A Perfect Representative For The “Lost Generation” of WW1 “ We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude ,sorrowful and superficial—I believe we are lost ”. The Lost Generation represented the soldiers who where robbed of their normal life and given the pilgrimage of military soldiers during the first World War which lasted from (July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918), in addition these young ones had their virtue taken from them by the cold realties and horrors of the World War as well as the struggle for survival. This essay focuses on how certain traits of the young and naive Paul Baumer relates him to the Lost Generation through character transitions,Youthful Idealism and indoctrination of Patriotism and the Glory of War.…show more content…
This change is much seen when he obtained a sixteen day leave home , and upon arriving at home , he felt like he didn't belong there. He lost his previous interest like art and literature , all these things felt and seemed so juvenile to him, home didn't feel like home anymore, he felt like the front was much more a home to him as compared to his own home . This is what the Lost Generation had to endure, the change from innocent young children to brutish savages who thought about nothing but the edge to survive . This change basically ruined their lives; a change which caused their lives to take a turn for the

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