How Does Shakespeare Present Evil In Macbeth

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The idea of evil is repeatedly used in stories, novels, plays, as well as movies. It can be defined as a morally wrong and wicked quality of someone. Evil is most definitely a main theme in the play Macbeth, famously written by William Shakespeare. The play is about a Scottish thane named Macbeth who receives prophecies from three witches that imply that he will eventually become king. His morals and values are put to the test as his greed and ambition are ignited. The witches in Macbeth exemplify evil in what they say, the way other characters regard them, together with the evil acts they commit. Shakespeare expertly portrays evil in Macbeth through the witches in what they say. The audience hears a multitude of cruel plans the witches have for various people. The viewers can observe this when the first witch explains to her fellow “weïrd sisters” her plans for a sailor. She says that she asked the sailor’s wife for…show more content…
The witches are continuously committing evil feats. The most prevalent and significant evil deed is the many plans to destroy Macbeth, which the play is solely based upon. This is demonstrated when the witches are showing the apparitions. After Macbeth observes the three illusions, he asks for further prophecies. The witches decide to show him a procession of kings, representing Banquo's descendants taking the throne (also Macbeth's greatest fear). All the witches say in unison, "Show his eyes and grieve his heart, / Come like shadows, so depart" (IV, I, 109-10). This shows that the witches were prophesying all this to Macbeth just so they could watch him self-destruct for their own pleasure and entertainment. Another fact of true evil is committing these evil deeds for no reason other than personal enjoyment. As far as the audience knows, Macbeth does not cross or betray any of the witches, therefore, the witches’ actions signify true

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