How Does Shakespeare Present Claudius's First Soliloquy

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King Claudius’ soliloquy in Act 3 Scene 3 is the only soliloquy in the whole play that is not recited by Hamlet. This is where Claudius reveals that he has murdered his brother King Hamlet. This shows Claudius’ human side, how he actually regrets killing his brother. Claudius starts the soliloquy feeling guilty and even remorseful , then he becomes confused then he resorts to begging and pleading to GOD for forgiveness and ironically ends it and a positive note stating that “All may be well” (iii.iii line 72) “It hath primal eldest curse upon’t A brother’s murder” (iii.iii line 37) Claudius begins the soliloquy with a sense of self disgust, he compares him murdering his brother King Hamlet to Cain murdering his brother Able which was the first murder of history (according to the bible). Then he feels paralyzed due to his guilt “My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent, And, like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where I shall first begin, And both neglect” (iii.iii line 40) Claudius’ inner thoughts are pulling him in different directions. On one side he regrets what he did but at the he is accepting of the benefits that came with murdering his brother.…show more content…
“Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens To wash it white as snow”. Here it seems as if Claudius is asking if GOD can just let this one sin slide. Which is something all people who are religious do when they slip up and sin, now it may not be as severe as murder but in a sense it’s all one in the same. He then goes on to question if prayer can relieve him from his sins and if him praying can keep him from sinning. After more consideration he finally comes to the realization that he will never be forgiven for his sins and he uses imagery to express his

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