Annotated Bibliography Psychotropic Medication

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Psychotropic Medications: An Annotated Bibliography Bauer, A., Ingersoll, E., & Burns, L. (2004). School Counselors and Psychotropic Medication: Assessing Training, Experience, and School Policy Issues. Professional School Counseling, 7(3), 202-211. Retrieved October 15, 2015. This article reports the results of a national survey of school counselors that gathered information about the extent of school children's psychiatric diagnoses and usage of psychotropic medication, school policy issues arising from these practices, and counselors' perceived need for further training. Results support the assertion that psychotropic medication is widely prescribed to school-aged children creating school policy concerns and that school counselors desire…show more content…
This article reports the results of a survey that investigated the knowledge of and attitudes toward psychotropic medications among a population of social work students. If the survey results were scored like a school exam, then the average student surveyed scored a "C+." The article also suggests that both personal and professional experiences in the mental health field apparently influence knowledge of and attitudes toward psychotropic drugs. It is recommended that social work course content be expanded to include relevant information on psychotropic…show more content…
(2012, October 1). Beware of Psychotropic Drugs and Other Mind-Altering Drugs. Retrieved October 8, 2015. Psychotropic medications often used to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia are mind-altering drugs. That is, they impact your brain function and your psychomotor abilities like your ability to drive a car. This article goes in depth on how people involved in car accidents are more likely to have taken psychotropic drugs for a period of days, weeks or months, according to a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Mercola, J. (2014, May 7). Why Are Children Prescribed Too Many Psychotropic Drugs? Retrieved October 8, 2015. There is big money to be made in prescribing medications to kids especially when those medications are intended to be taken for life, as many psychotropic drugs are. The high rates of psychotropic drug use among foster children and poor children are likely a direct result of drug company tactics that targeted doctors in the Medicaid program, influencing them to prescribe more drugs to these kids. Warner, L., Pottick, K., & Bilder, S. (2005). Clinical and Organizational Correlates of Medication for Youths in U.S. Mental Health Services.Social Service Review, 79(3), 454-481. Retrieved October 15,

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