How Does Allen Change In The Chrysanthemums

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In John Steinbeck’s “The Chrysanthemums” Elisa Allen resides in the valley with her husband Henry Allen. It’s an ordinary mundane day in the Salina’s Valley for the Allen’s when Henry is making a business deal while wife Elisa tends to her garden with ease. Henry approaches Elisa to let her know the business deal has gone well, and they plan to have diner in the city. A While after this she hears a scraggly wagon approaching and she sees a man emerging from the wagon who appears to be a tinker. The tinker was looking for pay in exchange for a service of fixing pots, pans, and other house materials. The man notices her flowers and begins to take interest in them, which automatically turns Mrs. Allen around. The tinker announces he knows a woman…show more content…
In the beginning of the story Steinbeck describes Mrs. Allen in the garden. “Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening costume.” Steinbeck is depicting her lack of femininity and empowerment to reflect her attitude of herself. We know she feels this way because after he encounter with the tinker she returns to the house and gets ready for diner, by this time her entire demeanor has changed and she is lively after the interaction with the man. Her attempts with her husband to take on more responsibility other than the garden are dismissed. Elisa’s efforts show she is itching for a change. She hides her intelligence and sense of adventure all throughout her marriage. The few times she does exchange words with her husband there is no emotion or interest. She is severely restricted in what she can and cannot do. They’re life is very dull. That is why after her conversation with the stranger her entire demeanor has changed and she is lively after the interaction with the…show more content…
There is also conflict between Elisa and society as she battles herself to stay in the confines of the stereotypical housewife of the time. She is not supposed to hear about the business side of things or want to go off on dangerous adventures but she does. Due to society’s expectations she is not allowed to express these feelings. As she drags through the motions of her everyday life she is caught off guard by an unexpected guest. The tinker appears on a wagon with only one clear word written on it “Fixed”. He announces he is lost and trying to find his way back and that his expertise is fixing pots and pans. When the tinker asks Mrs. Allen if she has any work for him she insists she has nothing for him to do and grows irritated with the man. She immediately gets back to her chrysanthemums. She is neither friendly nor interested so the tinker looks around for something to change her mind. He notices she is minding the flowers and begins to show interest. Just at the mention of the Chrysanthemums Elisa’s entire demeanor changes, she begins to perk up, smile, and engage in conversation with the stranger. When he realizes this has caught her attention he pursues the conversation further. Elisa is eager and quick to talk all about the beautiful flowers and her innate talent to care for them. With someone finally taking interest in her or her talents she overwhelmed with emotion
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