How Did Social Inequality Cause The French Revolution

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Throughout society, there have been many issues between groups of people preventing peace. The French Revolution happened because of social inequality between the first estate, second estate, and third estate. The third estate had to pay heavy taxes and they had a lack of rights; this resulted in their decision to revolt. The French Revolution was caused by the social inequality of the third estate. In the 1780s, the french population was a total of 26 million people. However, 21 million of those citizens lived by relying on farming. Meager amounts of people owned enough land to help their families and most people worked on larger farms taking on extra work but poorly paid. Also, hunger became an everyday issue which became censorious of deficient harvest and poor conditions…show more content…
The underlying problem of poverty was caused by social inequality. Peasants had to pay taxes, from which the nobility could claim immunity and feudal dues payable to a local lord. Social Inequality between the 1st estate, 2nd estate, and 3rd estate is what caused the French Revolution to occur. The first estate was the clergy and it consisted of priests, who ruled both the Catholic Church and some elements of the country. The clergy had the power to levy a 10% tax known as the tithe. The second estate included the nobility of France, which were members of the royal family, except for the king. The nobles did not have to pay any taxes. In addition, they were given special privileges, such as wearing a sword and hunting. The nobility was tantamount to the clergy because they also collected taxes from the third estate. The third estate was composed of everyone else, from peasant farmers to the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie was the

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