How Did Dance And Entertainment Influence The Renaissance

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Did you know that during the Renaissance period in order to be taken seriously you had to be a good dancer? Dancing was routine in many people’s lives. Apart from dance, music and sports also played a big part during Renaissance period. There are many other examples as to how entertainment has greatly influenced the people of the renaissance. Dance, art and sports have greatly influenced the Renaissance by giving people something to look forward to in their lives after a hard day of work. Card games are one of the things that people in the Renaissance did for fun. There are two types of card games that were played in Renaissance times (Kransopolski). The first one, trick-taking is when you play different types of tricks, depending on the game, and…show more content…
“To be taken as a cultivated person, you were expected to have great dancing skills” (Diamond-Manlusoc). The Bassadance or Basse danse was a popular dance in the renaissance (Music in Dance: An Evolution). It flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. This dance is always in either 6/4 or 3/2 time (Music in Dance: An Evolution). The word Basse is describing one of the main moves of the dance (Music in Dance: An Evolution). This move is a slow glide the people did across the floor, without moving their feet off of the floor (Music in Dance: An Evolution). There were four other main moves in this dance (Music in Dance: An Evolution). They were: pas simple, pas double, demarche, and branle. For the pas simple move, the dancer would take two steps per measure (Music in Dance: An Evolution). For the pas double move, the dancer would take three steps per measure (Music in Dance: An Evolution). The Demarche was a move where the dance took one step backwards and the three steps in another direction (Music in Dance: An Evolution). For Brancle, the dancer would take four steps in any direction (Music in Dance: An

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