How Did Bob Dylan Influence Popular Culture

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Bob Dylan broke the mold of music. (AWK explain mold) He entered the music world in ____ when he moved to New York City. Dylan began his career by singing other artist songs and applied his own style to them. He created a unique identity for himself and became an individual artist once he began to write his own music. He was not copycat who imitated what others were doing and made his own developments in music. No matter what he sang about or the style he did it in, his music is referred to as exemplary. “[Dylan] has consistently alienated expectations with his myriad changes in artistic direction, throughout his long and esteemed career” (WORKING TO DESIGN). He did not care about how his changes would affect his popularity or fan base. He did what he wanted to do, wrote about what he wanted to write…show more content…
He quickly rose to the top of the music industry and his “lack of specificity became the basis for…rock music” in the beginning of his career (HOW TO WRITE). He gave a voice to the counter culture movement and influenced other musicians to go against cultural expectations. (What is the culture that he was countering and why was he countering it ? 0- explain) Continuing to push down barriers, Dylan did not conform to any single genre. His genres include American Folk Music, Rock Music, Country, Blues, and Gospel and Dylan has consistently influenced each and every one. …… (HOW?.... you said that he did not conform, but what does that mean?) During his career, he has had ten Grammy Awards (including Album of the Year), one Academy Award and one Golden Globe. He was successful because he was different than other artist, constantly reinvented himself, and caught the attention of his listeners. His unusual, but famous, vocal style gave Dylan the identity he wanted, while still staying true to

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