Honor Thy Father Film Analysis

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Honor thy father is a Filipino movie directed by Erik Matti, starring John Lloyd as Edgar. This Film was line up to the metro manila film festival (MMFF) 2015. People would expect that this is just a typical film made just to earn money but when you already watch this film, you’ll be comparing this to any other movie or film that is showing on the same day or to the movies you’ve watch. This film is all about the life of a typical family, how Edgar and Kaye deal or handle the problems they encountered the life of Edgar portray the life of each family in our country although some families have enough money. We always encounter problems regarding money and in this case some families can’t handle this problem or we can’t surpass this problem. On the other hand some families surpass this by borrowing enough money to pay all their loans. Religion was emphasizes in this film besides the problem in money. The movie use religion as a plot device that shows the iron y of how violence…show more content…
John Lloyd as Edgar plays the role of a father that pushed his self to do the things that would save the one thing that matters the most to him, family. Edgar and his family lives quietly until the day that Edgar’s father- in law goes missing and found dead in the river while the money was gone. Kaye is nurse, she offered to her friends the investment that turn to be a scheme run by his father. Edgar and his family go to church of Yeshuah, Kaye’s father donated 1 million to the church for the project of the church which is to build another temple. One day when Edgar go to Pampanga just to visit his father- in law, when he came to the house he found out

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