Hong Kong Restaurant Analysis

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Although the analysis of cuisines in Hong Kong restaurants have had been presented briefly in the class, some more interesting details in our database worth being discussed deeply in this essay. During the presentation, menu setting, the components of dishes names and four main types of meats were shown by our group members in sequence. And in the following paragraphs, I will first introduce related key terms with representative examples in the database. Then, specific points in each section will be selected to be further analyze. The definition of “concepts” is considered variously. “Concepts” is defined as “objects are categorized into mental constructs or units of though” according to International Organization of Standardization 704. What…show more content…
Menu can be considered as a concept system about dishes. The restaurant盈福小厨 has nine categories in its menu. “Seafood” and “vegetables” are two of them. However, the question why the two concepts do not under the category “Main course” is raised because both “seafood” and “vegetables” are the extension of “main course”. Same problem about classification also appears in the restaurant四姐川菜. They classified “soup” under the category “main course” but instead they should be at a same concept level. Also, the sub-categorization of 四姐川菜’s menu is somewhat contradict. The evidence is that except “spicy” and “non-spicy”, there are still five sub-categories in the menu. Spicy and non-spicy are considered to be mutual exclusive to each other. Moreover, the translation of the category is very “rough”. For example, 凉菜 is translated as “appetizers” in the restaurant四姐川菜. “Cold dishes” seem to be more suitable because “appetizers” is a more western version. Therefore, whether “cold dishes” in Chinese context and “appetizers” in Western context refer to same concepts and can they substitute each other is worth…show more content…
What she selected such as 怀旧, 秘制 and 养颜 in advertising words part are very representative. Those concepts are very abstract. Many restaurants love to add 怀旧 in their dishes name to evoke customers’ nostalgic memories of childhood or the old day. The advertising word 秘制 gives a sense of mysterious and unique to people so that customers will order this dish out of curiosity. It seems that every dishes after adding the words 秘制 will be more attracting. As for 养颜, this component is obviously aim at female. They believe in every “magic” which is beneficial to their beauty and appearance. Therefore, when there are two dishes with same ingredients and cooking methods, they will probably choose the dishes including the advertising word 养颜. Kitty also talked about place names in a dish name. Actually, 锦里 in the example锦里夫妻肺片 is also a place name but she did not mention at that time. Main ingredient is nearly a must in a dish name and the role of other components such as advertising word, place name, seasoning, cooking method, modifier of the ingredient and shape of ingredient is supplementation. Also the finding that drinks, desserts and snacks are three main categories that restaurants prefer adding advertising words and abstract concept is useful and

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