The Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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The idea of using Genetically Modified Organisms in our food has been a controversial topic for many decades. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are defined as organisms with genetic material altered using genetic engineering. The use of GMOs is not something very new. The most common form of modification is selective breeding, which has been used for thousands of years to enhance certain desired traits in plants and animals. Many people have a hard time deciding whether or not GMOs are advantageous or disadvantageous to the human population and the environment. Some people believe that GMOs are beneficial because they can increase our production of goods and also create stronger, more specialized foods. Others believe that GMOs are detrimental because they may be harmful to the human body and the environment. While GMOs have both advantages and disadvantages, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Genetically modified organisms and foods should be more widely accepted by the community because they…show more content…
Modifying foods “helps create better texture, flavor and nutritional value, and also helps maintain a longer shelf life” (Benefits of GM Food). Modifying foods also “allows animals to produce better milk, eggs and meat, [and causes] them to have a higher resistance to disease and overall health” (Vaesa). As greater technologies become a more dominant part of our lives, so should GMOs. Many researchers also say they are advantageous because they will help store food during the uncontrollable weather patterns in the future and also helps keep food fresh for years to come (Finz). Conventional agriculture has also lead to an increase in naturally occuring toxins that are bad for the human body (Genetically Modified Crops). Due to these reasons, GMOs should be more widely accepted and used because they can greatly benefit current agricultural

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