Homemade Education Summary

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When we talk about identity, we think about who we are and who we want to be. Growing up, we absorb and learn many things either from ourselves, our teachers or certain objects with sentimental value. In the process of growing up, we also go through some discourses, changes, that can change our identity. Reading the articles, “The Tao of Wu” by RZA and “Homemade Education” by Malcolm X, we see many changes in their identities. Malcolm X made a change in his learning discourse while he was in a prison. RZA acquired a religious discourse after he watched a kung fu movie, which helped him create the Wu-Tang Clan. After going through these discourses, we can see the difference in each character and how they changed themselves to become a better…show more content…
He grew up with a fixed mindset; he didn’t care for himself or his education. He got into crime and ended up in jail. Although he was in jail, this was where he went through a learning discourse. He met his cell-mate, Bimbi, and became very envious of him. He can see how educated Bimbi is, especially when he spoke. He wanted to be like him or even better than him. What he did to change his mindset was by teaching himself how to read and write. He found himself a dictionary and studied every word in the book. This transformed him into the man he is today. This learning discourse he went through really changed his identity. He gained the motivation to learn from his cell-mate and now Malcolm X is known for being an educated…show more content…
RZA grew up in the projects of Staten Island, where he was later moved into a house in a worse neighborhood in Brooklyn. He grew up with tough environmental challenges but he found someone to help him teach him how to survive in this kind of neighborhood. He became very close to a man named Chilli Wop, He was a big man with tattoos and was also secretly a drug dealer. He acted as a big homie, big brother, to RZA. He was a good influence on him. RZA was a man that was always on to the next move in life I would say. After watching a movie about Kung Fu, it transformed his way of thinking. He became invested into learning more about kung fu and the religious aspect behind it. RZA converted to Buddhism; he was very interested in everything about the religion after watching the movie that he learned more about it. He studied it so exclusively that he eventually became a teacher for Buddhism. He acquired and learned the religion. He absorbed everything he saw in the movie and transformed those ideas into real life. He became so invested into Buddhism that he wanted to learn more about it and studied it as much as he could. Rza went through both a learning and religious discourse in his life and it began to change his identity. Rza flipped his life around by going through these discourses. He has a new identity now that he went through these

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