Hitler Myth Research Paper

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In your own words, what is the Hitler Myth? The Hitler Myth was the myth or image that Hitler was the “almighty” man with humble origins that was going to lead Germany into greatness. Hitler’s myth was that he was no ordinary politician; he was a man that “fought” with his people and was going to end the corruption of the Weimar Republic, as well as bring Germany out of the devastation caused by the aftermath of WWI and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. In general, how did Nazi ideology and propaganda popularize the Hitler myth? Nazi ideology and propaganda greatly popularized and fed into the Hitler myth. Hitler was seen everywhere; on postcards, stamps, billboards, etc. Nazi propaganda was everywhere, and at the center of this propaganda was Hitler. Hitler was portrayed as a religious crusader, a military leader that was leading his armies to victory, and his “soft” side was also portrayed in various pictures. And through all this propaganda, Nazi ideology was also portrayed. The Nazis believed that Hitler was the “fuhrer” and that Hitler alone would end communism, poverty, and lead his people to victory and greatness.…show more content…
Kershaw’s stance in this article is neutral. He does not have an agenda to portray Hitler as monster like many other documents or articles do. Nor does he stand up for Hitler and glorify him like his followers did many years ago. Kershaw’s article is very informative about the who, and the why Hitler was so popular and why many individuals followed him. However, he also does what not many other individuals have done in the portrayals of the German people from that era. I was surprised to read that many Germans did not all believe that Hitler was the savior he portrayed himself to be, and that the only reason they followed or stayed quiet was because there was no other way or

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