He Wants To Kill Me Short Story

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He wants to kill me. Let him kill me. What is my life?---- It si useless to you and to me. Kill me! May be that will give you satisfaction Go on! (320) The novelist depicts such a life of illusion and reality in the life of the cook and his son, Biju. After chasing and changing jobs after jobs Biju finally frustrated, and decides to return to India. His journey back home is so pathetic and horrific that anyone reading about it would prefer to strave in his own country than in suffering lose everything in an another alien country. No other men would decide to leave their country in dreaming of getting luxurious life in another country. Biju’s mindest does not make him from going home inspite of the fct that the proprietor of the newly opened…show more content…
They forced them to cook all the perishable food at once. The sisters barricaded the door to the bed room, pushing a trunk up to the door. The boys laughed and told them that not to worry and they are too old for them. Lola was angry at the situation that the illegal huts were built GNLF boys on Mon Amo property. She went to the pradhan of the GNLF to complain about it. Pradhan of the GNLF refused to take the complaint against GNLF boys who humiliate the appearance of the sisters. Pradhan suggested her to grow vegetables somewhere else. He begun to smile on her richness and gestured humiliating her, looking up nd down. He said that Iam the raja of Kalimpong and have many queens would you like to be the fifth?” curved in the rood laughed loudly at her:” And you know, you won’t be bearing me any sons at your age so I will accept a big dowry. And you are not much to look at, nothing up”(224). She left the room and could not walk. She heared a thunderous by men and women on her fte. She becomes the victim in the male dominated world. And felt angry on property being occupied by GNLF boys. Lola went back home with shame she screamed out to h er husband with an extreme
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