Hatred In Romeo And Juliet

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“The saddest thing about true love is that, when destroyed, it tends to bring about the strongest hatred” (Williams). Examples of the situation described by Williams occur in many storylines, including Romeo and Mercutio’s philia love for one another, which proves strong enough to die and kill for. Montressor’s love for his family also drives him to kill a man, and Titania destroys her relationship with her husband out of philia love for her friend. In the works Romeo and Juliet, “The Cask of Amontillado,” and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the characters Romeo, Mercutio, Montressor, Oberon, and Titania learn that love has the power to fuel hate. To begin with, in Romeo and Juliet (Act III; duel scene), Romeo and Mercutio learn the true power of the hatred fueled by love when fighting Tybalt. Tybalt, angry and searching for a fight, calls Romeo a…show more content…
Fortunato had insulted Montressor’s family and his name, which brings about an extreme example of philia love. Montressor takes such pride in his family name, loves his family so much, that these insults drive him to murder. He plans everything down to the detail, sets it up, and carries out the horrific deed. Equally important, he not only murders Fortunato, but murders him in such a way that mocks him and kills him with the slow, painful death of starvation while alone in the depths of the catacombs. Montressor takes advantage of Fortunato’s vanity and pride with a promise of great wine and lures him into a small chamber deep within the catacombs and chains him to a wall. As Montresor describes it, “A moment more and I had him fettered to the granite… it was but the work of a few seconds…” (Poe42). After he completes this task, he leaves Fortunato in the chains to starve, die, and stay. His immense philia love made him believe that he must go to these sadistic measures to protect his family and his

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