Cobra II Summary

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Cobra II: The Inside story of the invasion and occupation of Iraq was written by the chief military correspondent of the New York Times, Michael R. Gordon and a prominent retired Marine general, Bernard E. Trainor. Cobra II is the account of the invasion of Iraq. It explains the planning, execution and immediate aftermath of the initial invasion. This book was written to provide an inside look at the military campaign that was able to destroy the administration of Saddam Hussein. But also give a look at the conditions set by the campaign for the insurgency that soon followed. Gordon and Trainor sought to relate the planning which occurred within the Bush administration to the “bloodletting on the battlefield.” Throughout this book the…show more content…
The subtitle of Cobra II — "The inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq” does not formulate a completely accurate statement about the information to be covered or expected within the text. Cobra II is merely an examination of how and why the United States is in the conflict we currently are. It is not an examination of the counterinsurgency campaign waging in Iraq since Operation Iraqi Freedom took place. This narrative ends only a few months after the capture of Saddam Husain, in the summer of…show more content…
The chapters covering these detailed accounts portrayed many important parts of the war. They gave example of the disconnect between Defense Secretary Rumsfeld’s schemes of transforming the military into a much smaller mobile unit and the realities which were occurring on the ground. But the most significance is found throughout the beginning and end sections. Throughout these sections the authors explain how the nation was driven to war in Iraq; but also depict how the decisions, made prior to and which subsequently followed the defeat of Saddam Hussain’s administration created the insurgency within Islamic nation

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