Hans J Morgan Thau Analysis

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Explain the realism of Hans J morgan Thau? Hans J Morgen Thau (February 17, 1904 – July 19, 1980) was one of the renowned twentieth century realists in international relations. He made lots of contributions to international relations theory and the study of international law. His book Politics Among Nations was published in 1948.He wrote about international politics and United States foreign policy. He had some similarity with many renowned intellectuals of his time such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Hannah Arendt and George F. Kennan. Morgan Thau was a consultant in U.S. Department of State when Kennan headed policy planning staff in the cold war time and a second time during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations but then he was dismissed…show more content…
First principle of political realism explains it well that politics is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. According to Morgenthau the struggle to achieve power at international level is due to the “Political man” urge to rule others. Morgenthau however moves to the next level of analysis and goes beyond human nature. Morgenthau considers the state as a collective reflection of a political man’s desire for power. In Morgenthau’s theory state is the referent object and the agent which pursues power in international affairs .Third image is also present in Morgenthau’s theory of the struggle of power. Absence of supranational government means that there is no one to stop states from fighting with each other and there is no constraint on man’s basic desires. It is evident from states behavior to dominate others. Human nature to dominate others which is the driving force of state behavior can only takes place in the international system which is…show more content…
This concept provides a connection between the reason trying to understand politics at international level and fact to be understood. It sets politics apart from other spheres like economics. Without this concept theory of politics at domestic or international level would be not possible because without this concept we are unable to differentiate between political and nonpolitical facts. We assume that the statesmen behave, think and act in terms of interest defined as power. This assumption allows us to think and retrace the steps the statesmen has taken or will have taken on the political scene. We listen his conservation with other statesmen and we judge and anticipate his thoughts. Concept of interest defined as power infuses rational order into the subject matter of politics and makes the understanding of politics possible theoretically. It provides for rational discipline in action on the side of actor and creates the continuity in foreign policy and it makes American and British foreign policy consistent within itself regardless of different preferences, moral qualities and motives of successive

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