Generation Y Characteristics

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3.1 General study of Generation Y Generation Y, also named Millennials, by demographically reliable definition, are those who born from 1980 to 1994 inclusive, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and typically perceived as increasingly familiar with digital and electronic technology (McCrindle, 2006). There are 7 main characteristic within generation Y as digital native, attention-seeking, achievement-oriented, work-life balanced, changeable nature, team-oriented and require information. Digital native: Generation Y is highly associated with technology as they grow up with the technology-generation(Tapscott, 2008). This generation more likely to communicate through digital device than face-to-face interaction. A worldwide…show more content…
Moreover, basic business knowledge is another important element of successful hotel and restaurant operations (Just Colleges, 2015). Communication skill: It is important to communicate effectively with colleagues, staff and guests in hospitality industry including verbal, nonverbal and language skills. Excellent communication skills can enhance guest experience as staff are listening to the guests, valuing their feedback and conveying clear messages. With good communication skill, staff can share ideas, better understand of the supervised instructions and improve the company strategies. Moreover, it boosts the employee confidence to approach guests and deliver a better customer service (Hai-yan & Baum,…show more content…
Therefore, a strong and positive teamwork spirit is required to stay in this sector. Staff work and depend on one another to contribute to their company success, especially for hospitality industry. For instance, housekeeping clean the room according to the order by front desk while the reservation give booking information to front desk to decide which room has the priority to being clean. Problem-solving skills: Problem solving is one of the most important skills for success in this industry as there always mistake and complaints from employee and unsatisfied guest. An employee capable of handling unexpected, emergency or disputed guest interactions both increases customer satisfaction with an employer immediate response and ensures retention of the guest's return business (Jonassen, 1997). Self Discipline: Management takes discipline as an action to encourage staff’s agreement with the company’s stated rules, standards, and procedures that developing self-discipline. The discipline process is important in this service-based industry (Go & Mok, 1995). For instance, tour guide is required to take duty on time; cashier need to be honest and not steal the money; account department cannot make fake expenditures to cheat as these actions are disturbing the operation and service
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