Hamlet Integrity Essay

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Throughout the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, Hamlet implies to be a round character, a more complex individual that goes through development to startle the readers. During the first acts of the play Hamlet, one can see that Hamlet is a morally conscious, sensitive and reflective person who is true to his own principles. That is to say, Hamlet believes that his ideas and behavior are morally superior than those of other people that surround him, especially King Claudius. But after Hamlet’s disturbing murder of Polonius at the end of Act 3, the portrayal of Hamlet’s integrity conveys the impression that Hamlet’s temperament resembles that of King Claudius. As an illustration to this last statement, Hamlet has assassinated Polonius in the manner…show more content…
Unfortunately, this empathy will not last any longer, now that Laertes, Polonius’s son, will look for the way to take revenge for the death of his father. In this scene, Laertes’ mindset, avenging his father’s death, is the mirror image of Hamlet’s attitude, which could make Hamlet repent before committing a terrible mistake. On the other hand, the character of Laertes is Hamlet’s best contrast for the duration of the play. For example, Laertes possesses all the moral validity that Hamlet has relinquished through his murder of Polonius and his postponement in taking vengeance on his father’s death. Considering the fact that Prince Hamlet is thoughtful and struggles to act right away, Laertes engages in action without any further delay. Besides, Laertes does not have any moral apprehension, just an intense desire to get back at the murderer of his father. When King Claudius specifically questions Laertes how far he would proceed to take vengeance of his father’s death, Laertes answers that he would cut open Hamlet’s throat in the church. This declaration shows Laertes’ willingness to assassinate Prince Hamlet even in a holy place of adoration. In contrast of Laertes’ mentality, Hamlet abstains to murder King Claudius as the king is alone praying and expressing his guilt and grief over his brother’s

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