Hamlet And Prufrock

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Existentialism believes each person exists first, and his essence comes later through the life that he chooses to live. Hamlet, Meursault, and Prufrock are alike in their existential attitude. The Existential attitude portrayed through each of these characters is due to the fact that each character saw the world as illogical or meaningless. Meursault is a true existentialist, where as Hamlet and Prufrock both show signs of Existentialism that shown through an Existential attitude. Meursault is the epidomy of an existential character; he is characterized as someone who is detached and emotionless, two properties of existentialism. Meursault is distant from his emotions, desires, and love. The first few lines of the novel state “Maman died today. Or yesterday, I don’t know”(1.4) when Meursault is informed about his mothers death through a telegram he is unattached. This contrasts to Hamlets attitude toward his father’s death, which is why Hamlet is not an existential character, but one who has an existential attitude towards certain subjects presented to him.…show more content…
Hamlet says, “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of the world”(135). At this point in the play Hamlet believes that nothing good comes of this world, he is very tired and uses the word “unprofitable” to present the fact that he believes this world has nothing to offer him. Hamlet uses the words “weary” and “stale” to emphasize the fact that he has grown tired of this world. In Hamlets most famous soliloquy he contemplates the very meaning of existence “To be, or not to be -that is the question”(127) in this statement hamlet questions whether to exist or not to exist is the major question in life. This question embodies his existential attitude that is hinted throughout the entire

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