Gwendolyn Brooks Research Paper

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Gwendolyn Brooks Gwendolyn Brooks was an outstanding poet through her hard work, amazing talent, and intelligence. Gwendolyn Brooks was born in Topeka, Kansas on June 7, 1917. When she was only six weeks old, her family moved to Chicago as part of the Great Migration. Her very close friends and family called her Gwendie. That was her childhood nickname amongst them. Mrs. Brooks attended three different high schools during her childhood, the integrated Hyde Park High School, the all-black Wendell Phillips Academy High School; and the integrated Englewood High School. She faced numerous racial encounters at some of these schools and that helped shape her understanding of social dynamics in the United States and that influenced her writing. When she graduated high school, she attended Wilson Junior College in 1936, having already begun her writing and publishing career. When she was much older, she married Henry Lowington Blakey Jr., and they had two kids with him. Another great thing about Gwendolyn Brooks is she began…show more content…
Gwendolyn Brooks got this award for her hard work and dedication towards her writing. She also received an award from the Mid-Western Conference in 1943. Mrs. Brooks was invited to do numerous things for her work and dedication to others. President John F. Kennedy invited her to be the main speaker at a major event for poetry. She also began a career for teaching creative writing to others. Mrs. Brooks taught at numerous colleges, such as Columbia College Chicago, Northeastern Illinois, Chicago State University, Elmhurst College, Columbia University, Clay College of New York, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. One of her poems was nominated for the National Book Award. The poems title was “The Mecca.” Brooks appeared at numerous conventions and conferences in her career as a writer and

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