Mayflower Compact: Colonial America

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Mayflower Compact- The first document outlining a government in America. It was written on the ship, the Mayflower, as a guideline for rules to live by at Plymouth. William Bradford- An English Separatist who migrated to Plymouth on the Mayflower. He also was one of the signers of the Mayflower compact, and he remained the governor of Plymouth for a long time. John Winthrop- a Puritan, was a prominent leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He wrote “City Upon a Hill” which expressed the idea of his colony being an example for future settlements to look up to and emulate. Roger Williams- One of the religious dissenters in the colonial era. Advocating for separation of church and state, he founded Rhode Island. His colony became a refuge of…show more content…
So, this system was passed to encourage more settlers into the colony by promising them a certain amount of acres of land. Slavery begins- The need for more labor was growing, and indentured servants were becoming too expensive. So slavery had small beginnings, with some still being treated like indentured servants. Bacon’s Rebellion- Bacon was upset when he was denied a piece in the fur trade, so he and governor Berkely were not on good terms. When Bacon led an unauthorized revolt against Indians, Berkely got upset. Bacon led an army into Jamestown, which revealed the deep social class tensions, as well as the need for finding an alternative to indentured servants. Pennsylvania- William Penn founded this colony, based off of the land given to him by Charles II. It was mainly settled as a haven for the Quakers, and the colony advertised itself as religiously forgiving. Enlightenment- Scientific/intellectual discoveries in Europe in the 1600s led to the Enlightenment movement. Was known for the celebration of human reason and scientific…show more content…
It involved them abstaining from trade with Britain as well as putting an end to exports. Election of 1800; Burr vs. Jefferson- Because of the decline of the Federalist Party, it came down to a tie between Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The tie was broken by the House of Representatives, when they become convinced that Burr is the wrong man for the job. The twelfth amendment is also passed because of this tie. James Madison- A Democratic-Republican, he served as the 4th president of the United States. The major issue during his presidency was the War of 1812. He convinced Congress to proceed with war against England. Upton Sinclair- A notable author in the 20th Century who wrote “The Jungle” which exposed the realities of the meat-packing industry. The horrors described in this book led to acts such as the Meat Inspection Act and the Food and Drug Act. Tammany Hall- Established in the late 1700’s, this turned out to be one of New York’s leading political machines (democratic). Known for its corruption, it was the object of ridicule by people like progressivists, such as Thomas Nast, the political

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