Guests Of The Nation Analysis

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In “Guests of the Nation” by Frank O’Connor, the setting is one that creates great stress, but allows deep friendships to be formed. This story takes place during the Irish War of Independence and creates great stress for the characters. Despite the stressful times, the narrator develops a friendship with Hawkins and Belcher based on admiration and trust. These friendships developed despite differences in culture. In the first section of this story, it is almost difficult to tell that these events are happening during such a stressful time. It isn’t until the narrator starts discussing guarding Hawkins and Belcher, that the true setting of the story becomes evident. The narrator states, “They were handed on to us by the Second Battalion to keep when the search for them became too hot […]” (82). This statement…show more content…
O'Connor states, "I couldn't at the time see the point of me and Noble being with Belcher and 'Awkins at all, [...] they'd have stayed put and flourished like a native weed" (75). This statement shows that Bonaparte feels there is no reason to guard Hawkins and Belcher. He trusts them so much that he believes they would not escape even if they were given the opportunity. "[...] [A]nd after the first evening we gave up all pretense of keeping a close eye on their behavior," states Bonaparte (89). This statement shows that Bonaparte and Noble trusted Belcher and Hawkins so much that they don't care if anyone thinks they are guarding them. It was also apparent that Bonaparte admired Belcher for his ability to win over the lady of the house. The narrator states, "Now, it was a treat to see how Belcher got off with the old woman of the house we were staying in" (89). This statement shows that the narrator is amazed at Belcher's ability to win over the "crotchety" old woman. Belcher's ability to make this woman his friend makes Bonaparte admire Belcher

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