Groundwater Contamination Lab

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Abstract It comes as no surprise that there are many pollutants contaminating our groundwater and by doing the following experiments, I plan to prove that. By using vegetable oil, vinegar and laundry detergent you will see how simple ingredients such as the mentioned household items can contaminate our waters. You will also see how environmental items such as sand, charcoal, and gravel can act as a filter to filter out some of these pollutants. Furthermore, you will see that tap water and bottled water both contain chemical components such as, Chlorine and Phosphate. A collection of all this data suggests that whether you prefer tap or bottled water, none of it is 100 percent pure. Introduction Fresh water is one of our most fundamental…show more content…
In experiment number one (Effects of Groundwater Contamination) I started by labeling eight beakers with the numbers 1 through 8. Beakers 1 through 4 were filled with 100 mL of water, then observations of the waters were recorded. Then in beaker 2 I mixed 10 mL of vegetable oil into the water, in beaker 3 I mixed 10 mL of vinegar into the water, and in beaker 4 I mixed 10 mL of laundry detergent into the water. Then I recorded my observations of beakers 2-4 on my lab reporting form. With four small pieces of cheesecloth each folded into fours, I used one cheesecloth per each water mixture presented in beakers 1 through 4. I placed the cheesecloth into a funnel, then placed 60 mL of soil into the funnel, on top of the cheesecloth. After placing the funnel into beaker 5, I poured the contents of beaker 1 through the funnel, allowing it to filter into beaker 5 for one minute, then recorded my observation on my lab reporting form. I proceeded to repeat these same steps with the mixture in beaker 2 filtering through funnel into beaker 6, mixture from beaker 3 into beaker 7, and mixture of beaker 4 into beaker 8, and recording my observations after each…show more content…
Then I performed an Ammonia test on all three, by placing a new ammonia test strip in each beaker for 30 seconds, then removed the test strip and read results after 30 seconds, then recorded my findings on my lab reporting form. Next was the Chloride test on all three waters. A chloride test strip was submerged into each type of water for 1 second, then removed and read after 1 minute and results were recorded on lab reporting form. 4 in 1 test came next. The 4 in 1 test strips were placed in each beaker containing different types of water for 5 seconds, then removed and read after 20 seconds, with results recorded on my lab reporting form. Following was the Phosphate test. Phosphate strips were placed into all three beakers for 5 seconds, then removed and held horizontally for 45 seconds before being read and results being recorded on lab reporting form. Finally, the Iron test. First I discarded 70 mL of water from each beaker, then I opened one foil packet and added the powder contents to the beaker containing the tap water, then covered the beaker with a piece of Parafilm and shook the beaker forcefully for 15 seconds. I then removed the Parafilm and dipped the iron test strip into the tap water for 5 seconds. I removed the strip and read the results after 10 seconds. Then I repeated all the iron test

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