Grey Wolf Research Paper

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Wolves in the Wild This report will discuss the Grey Wolves, social life in packs, attributing keen senses, and decreased population in the world. Grey Wolves also called Canis Lupus, they are virtually identical to a domestic dog. Grey Wolves are very adaptable and can live anywhere like in forests, open plains, deserts and mountains. An adult Grey Wolf stands between 26 to 28 inches tall and is more than 6 feet long. Males of course are always bigger than females they weigh between 60 to 150 pounds. Grey Wolves are social animals that live in large packs which is just another name for a family of wolves. In a pack there is a male and female alpha which are the leaders, the average wolf pack of wolves is eight to twelve or as many as twenty five. Too many wolves in a pack causes them to separate and start their own pack. Every member has a rank or place, they are very loyal to one another. In Simon Seymour, book named Wolves is stated, “They hunt, travel, eat, and make noises together” (Page 19). This shows, wolves need each other in order to survive and benefit one another. They communicate by barks, yips, and howls. The Grey Wolfs howl plays…show more content…
Wolves use their front teeth and four long canines to bite. Wolves depend on their senses to know where their prey has been. Wolves can smell large prey up to 1.5 miles away. A wolves eyes are designed to detect even the littlest movement, and they have night vision. Their hearing sense is also important they have large ears to catch high pitched noises. Wolves are fast runners they can run from 25 to 40 mph for short distances, this help them catch their prey. They hunt in many different ways, but much of their prey comes from big animals such as moose and they always work as a pack. According to Xtreme fact, “A wolfs sense of smell is 100 times more sensitive than a human’s” (Hamilton 10). Wolves need to have all their senses in order to make it in the wild and

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