Greek Mythology: Uranus, Cronus And Hera

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Greek Mythology is filled with many different myths that helps the readers understand the personality and attitude of each god and goddess. Through Mythology the mother-goddesses and father-gods like Gaia and Uranus, Cronus and Rhea, and Zeus and Hera play a critical role. Father-gods and mother-goddesses are both great leaders, but father-gods are superior. Both of them deal with their power differently. Father-gods care more about having power and control than their own family, unlike mother-goddess. To them being the gods of the gods is everything, and they do not let nothing get in their way. There are many differences and similarities between father-gods and mother-goddesses, but the most important are leadership, the way they treat their family, the…show more content…
After thoroughly analyzing and observing different types of myths I was able to see a common theme, of how gods are horrified by the idea of being overthrow by their offspring’s. We see this themes with all the main gods Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus. The first example is Uranus and how he hid his children in Tartarus so they would not overthrow him. So Gaia mad at Uranus, made a plan with Cronus to kill him by castrating him. Also, Cronus did the same thing with his children, but instead of hiding them he ate them. Rhea was tired of Cronus eating her kids when she gave birth, so when she was pregnant with Zeus she gave birth to him in a secret place. Rhea hid him on a cave where Zeus grew up, became stronger, and powerful to remove his father from his thrown. Not surprisingly, when Zeus had kids he did the

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