Roman Vs Greek Mythology Essay

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Both the Greek and Roman cultures have intriguing mythology. What is not always clear is how similar the two truly are. This is because the Romans adapted much of their mythology from the Greeks, who had developed theirs first. They often focused on the same gods and heroes, but with different names. Similarities and differences can not only be found within the gods and heroes, but also in their myths of creation, mythical creatures, and afterlife. To the Greeks, creativity was more important than physicality, and it shows in their mythology. Their myths were poetical and fanciful, focusing on an individual hero and their heroic deeds. Emphasis was placed on the personality traits of the gods and how they affected the world around them. An example of this is the myth of Demeter, Persephone, and how the seasons came to be. Great respect for the destructive power and potential of the gods was shown. Greek mythology was influenced…show more content…
These included the fourteen main gods. Each of these gods had a Roman counterpart that was nearly identical, with a different name. Zeus and Jupiter held the role of the god of the skies. The queen of the gods was Hera, Juno to the Romans. Poseidon and Neptune ruled the seas, while Hades and Pluto ruled the Underworld. Hestia, also known as Vesta, watched over the hearth. Ares and Mars were both gods of war, though the Romans revered Mars and Ares was feared by the Greeks. The goddesses of wisdom and battle strategy, Athena and Minerva, were integral to many myths. The twins, Artemis and Apollo, or Diana and Apollo, had many roles, including taking charge of the moon and sun. Aphrodite and Venus embodied love and beauty. Hermes, or Mercury, was the messenger of the gods. Hephaestus and Vulcan were the gods of the forge and fire, and Dionysus and Bacchus were the gods of wine. Finally, Demeter, or Ceres, was the goddess of

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