are twelve gods and goddesses that ruled the entire universe from Mount Olympus. These well known gods and goddesses are known as Olympians who in which began to come into power after Zeus, the most powerful god of all time, overthrew his father, Cronus. Interesting knowledge that is about all of the Greek gods and goddesses is that they are all related to one another. They were also all adopted by the Romans into Roman Mythology but their names were changed. All of Greek gods and goddesses were over
But due to the publicity given by the Olympic Games every four years, and the bodily perfection attributed to the Greek Gods by the Western World, most people forget that India too played an important role in the evolution of physical fitness. By the time of the Greek Awakening in 800 BC, Indian Culture had already moved on from its fixation of the human body and the culture was focused more towards a metaphysical existence, rather than on
criticism and shrill abuses he invited for himself, especially from the ever-irritable feminist brigade. The fact and belief that God never ever commits a mistake, brings Nietzsche’s proclamation dashingly down into the dust bin of nonsense. Whatever Almighty God has created is beautiful and useful. His creative powers are fabulous, beyond the purlieus of any kind of fallacy. God created Adam and Eve – both the remarkable assets for humanity. The fault never lies with the