Government Facilities Sector Analysis

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GOVERNMENT FACILITIES SECTOR Government Facilities Sector is one of the largest and most complex sectors of the 17 critical infrastructures that’s included in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. The Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration were given the responsibilities as co-leads and Federal interface for this sector by PPD-21. The government facilities sector will arrange for the protection, safety, and security of all government assets, employees, and visitors to the facilities under its sector, as well as balanced management of physical and cyber risk, so that essential government functions and services are preserved without disruption. The execution of this will require GFS to reduce the nations…show more content…
The public facilities are comprised of offices and office building complexes for business activities, housing for government employees, provision of services within our courthouses and correctional facilities, embassies, consulates, and border facilities, also maintenance and repair shops which involves some of our nation’s commercial transactions. Included are also, our educational facilities, libraries/archives, and monuments which are a part of the Government Facilities Sectors two subsectors. These subsectors are known as Education Facilities (EF) and National Monuments and Icons (NMI). The GFS must also account for what’s considered our non-public facilities, and they are the research and development facilities, military installations, record centers, space exploration facilities, storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, precious metals, currency, and special nuclear materials and waste, also included in the non-public facilities are our warehouses that’s used to store property and equipment. However, there are other facilities not open to the public that usually contains highly sensitive information, materials, processes, and equipment. The assets that falls underneath the umbrella of the GFS will never be completely insusceptible to all possible attacks, so the Government Facilities Sectors has focused most of…show more content…
During these attacks, two jet airliners were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center that contained offices that were occupied by U.S. government agencies and many businesses and organizations involved in finance and international trade, and one was flown into the Pentagon Building which is the nation's military headquarters located near Washington D.C. To minimize any further attacks on government facilities, buildings such as the White House and offices of the federal government were evacuated, airplanes were grounded, U.S. stock exchanges stopped trading, and many businesses and public landmarks closed early and sent employees home (New World Encyclopedia, 2017). Military fighter aircraft flew combat patrols with the orders to remove all other air traffic over the cities from the skies. The destruction of these two government facilities claimed the lives of over 3000 people, and the attacks were carried out by the terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group led by the Saudi-born millionaire Osama bin Laden. The actions of this terrorist organization led the President of the United States at that time, George W. Bush to declare a "global war on terrorism” (Funk & Wagnalls, 2017). The Department of Homeland Security was established as a counterterrorism measure. DHS was

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