Giuseppe Mazzini On Nationalism 1852 Summary

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Primary sources are an important tool that historians use to learn about the past. They can range from newspaper articles to journal entries. With that being said, reading a primary source can be tricky at times because of the accuracy of the facts that it includes. For example, the author of “The Expulsion from Spain, 1492 CE” tells of the Jews expulsion from Spain through the use of details that seem plausible, yet fictional. In contrast, “Giuseppe Mazzini: On Nationality, 1852” is Mazzini’s opinion on solutions needed in Europe after the many failed rebellions in 1848. Through the use of context clues, historians of all kinds are able to discover the past. Although this practice is useful in many ways, the conclusions derived from the details…show more content…
However, 1848 Europe was also a time of brutal oppression of the revolutionaries who fought for this idea of change for the betterment of society by the people who sparked the problems, their heads of state. Giuseppe Mazzini was one of those hopeful revolutionaries who were shot down when they stood up. Although it is not states in the essay, “Giuseppe Mazzini: On Nationality, 1852” can be read as a speech to address Mazzini’s ideal Europe, one where the unity that comes from nationalism resolves all social problems. Mazzini expresses his concern of the current state of nationality being determined by the upper classes and not by geographical location. Geographical location of people with the same traditions, language, and origins is important for social revolution to occur. Giuseppe saw that the reason that most of the 1848 revolts failed was due to the lack of consensus amongst the people concerning what they wanted to gain from rebelling. Through the use of appealing language and resolutions, Giuseppe Mazzini was able to motivate the people who were previously

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