Gibbs Reflective Cycle Research Paper

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The Gibbs reflective cycle includes 6 stages of Reflection Description of situation I had admitted and looked after a patient for 3 days. Mrs X who came in following a fall at home and presented with multiple bruises, and X-ray revealed a traumatized hip leading to limited movement. I have explained to Mrs. X the need to call for assistance whenever she needed to walk for a short distance such as going to the toilet by pressing her nurse bell to ensure her safety and prevent further fall. On my 2nd day with her, she feels anxious about her loss of independence with her activities of daily living. The Medical team visited her and suggested to involve the social worker and consider the possibility of her going to Aged care facilities, which then she refused. On the 3rd day of Mrs X, she had a fall and caused a further damaged to her hip. I have asked her what happened why she didn’t call the nurse during that time as I have instructed her in day 1. She then said that she used to do things all by herself and calling the nurse to…show more content…
Mrs. X had saddened me by her feeling of being a burden to the healthcare team. I felt disappointed with Mrs. X because of the fact that at the time she is incapable and not safe to do things on her own, she refused to follow my advice and without realising the outcome of her actions caused her more pain. I also felt guilty and felt that I had contributed to Mrs. X misunderstanding of her present condition. My feeling of guilt is related to being a student and to my lack of experience in dealing with this cases I should have explained the possible management plan for her care to prevent her from feeling anxious and insisting of looking after herself as a sign of independence. I think, had I explained the rationale of my instructions, Mrs. X could have seen it less of a sign of her incapability to look after herself, and she could have focused more on following the plan of her

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