George Wilson Quotes

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Quote I picked a quote from someone we should all know so it is easier to relate to it, and that person is Jay-Z. Here Jay-Z is trying to criticise the shallow world we live in, as everyone chases after wealth as if being wealthy is the ultimate goal in life and everything else like love and happiness is less important than money. He is stating that inequality exists because everyone chases after the same goal, and that is why we are categorised. Also he is saying inequality will always be a problem as not everyone can be rich, then there will be no definition of rich as it can no longer define the words original meaning if everyone has the same amount of money. Power - the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others…show more content…
He runs a down shop and he lives in the surroundings of the Valley of Ashes, a drastically different setting than the nicer areas of East and West Egg. George's wife, Myrtle, is having an affair with Tom. Can we say that she was drawn to Tom because of his great looks? No, part of the attraction, for Myrtle, is that Tom is relatively wealthy and has a lot of power in the society. and because of that Tom has a certain kind of power in terms of wealth and attractiveness to the shallow Myrtle and this is all because Tom has money and clearly George doesn’t so obviously Myrtle will run to the life that she knows she’ll never have with…show more content…
They go to his parties, not because they admire Gatsby or even know him, but because the parties are a place for socialising among the wealthy, and making connections in that elite circle, the rich consort with the rich and look out for each other's well-being which is usually related to money, thereby, the rich stays rich and the poor stays poor. Gatsby is able to host these parties because he has a nice house which came from his own wealth. People like George Wilson would not be seen dead in one of these parties and probably wouldn’t even dream of getting an invitation to these
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