Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Geoffrey Chaucer’s characters from his well-known book The Canterbury Tales offers a wide range of personalities and intellect from the different social classes that existed during the medieval time period. These characters are described by the narrator in Chaucer’s prologue to The Canterbury Tales, which allows the reader to critique each character’s way of life. Consequently, this could lead the reader to consider which characters would be the best candidates to be stranded on a deserted island with. With this intention, an evaluation of each of the character’s strengths and weaknesses would be necessary to determine who would be able to help the reader survive. The most resourceful characters to be stranded on a deserted island with would…show more content…
Since he is one of the best physicians in his profession (lines 414-415), he would be able to aid to any one of the group members that seeks medical attention. He would also be able to tell what caused the sickness or injuries, since he is familiar with every health issue and has a cure for the majority of them (lines 420-423). Since the island lacks any civilization, it is likely that it may have an excessive amount of trees, thorns, wild animals, and other things that could cause injury or illness, which is why it would be beneficial to have a well-trained physician. In addition to this, he is also in great physical health (line 416), so he would be able to help build the boat that the Shipman is working on. Because of the fact that he is very educated and consults the bible (line 450), he may be familiar with stories about people living off the land, which he then could relate to the group’s situation and contribute to finding a…show more content…
Since he is considered a “manly man” (167), he could help contribute to the building of the ship and he would also be useful for any further physical labor. In addition to this, the Monk is also a lover of hunting (line 166), which would be beneficial to the group because it would provide them with food. Hopefully there would be edible animals or plants on the island, but if there are not then since he has learned to hunt, it is likely that he could learn to fish, which would provide the group with a very reliable food source since it is an island. Also, similarly to the Physician, he is familiar with religious stories and might be able to relate them to the situation or offer any religious motivation or support
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