Chaucer's Treatment Of Women In The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is exactly what it sounds like. It is one large novel, accompanied by multiple stories within the plot, which encompass several different values that were essential to have when this book was written. Chaucer included 20 different stories into one, making sure to incorporate comedy, but not forgetting to teach a lesson through tragedy. Although this story includes tales about many different social classes, when gathered together, Chaucer paints an extremely clear picture of how he viewed men, based on their actions or social class during the middle ages. The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer during the late 14th century. This novel was a revolutionary piece of work for many reasons.…show more content…
The Wife of Bath is decidedly promiscuous and has a plan for how she lives her life, although it is somewhat selfish and dishonest. Marriage laws in the Middle Ages stated that women had one ultimatum to rule their life; they could become celibate or mothers ( The Wife of Bath refuses to listen to any rules except for the rules she established for herself. She marries for money, not for love; however, the one time she did marry for love it ended undesirably. Contrary to the popular belief, Chaucer most likely admires women for their intellectual ability and their seemingly endless capabilities. He most likely thinks of women as quick-witted individuals who must put themselves and their wants below their wellbeing. In the tales, we can see that he admires her beauty and her will…show more content…
This novel was a revolutionary piece of literature because Chaucer discussed his opinion controversial opinion of different types of people through fictional tales that have no literal meaning. He brilliantly uses a Knight to discuss the superiority of the noble class, and the Parson to discuss the understanding grace of the church. Through the Wife of Bath Chaucer was able to describe women as a smart and determined which he ultimately directed towards the whole female sex. Instead of ridiculing the lower class with a terribly boring and insulting tale, he described this certain group of people as an entertainingly perverted group of

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