Gender Roles In The Yellow Wallpaper

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Gender roles and relations have everlastingly been a matter of concern in a society, due to the fact that women are not permitted as many rights as men. In Charlotte P. Stetson’s, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, there are multifarious degrees of relations between the two genders. Another thing is that there are also some specific kinds of relations that may occur between members of the same sex. The persona in the story is a young married woman, who is recovering from an illness while living at a rented house in the fields away from town, serves to exhibit the different kinds of relations between men and women. As such, the present paper will analyze the place of women in both family and society through the example described in the short story, “The…show more content…
For example, the woman pretends to be sleeping when lying awake in bed with her husband. She also conceals some things about her condition from her husband in order not to bother him with her problems Moving along, the communication between the narrator and Jennie, the woman who takes care of her, reveals the relations between members of the same sex, in this case, women. In this situation, there is also some pretense and concealing of some realities from each other, though they get to communicate more frankly at some point. In this way, the women tend to see each other as trustworthy after they get to reveal some things to each other. After the encounter where the writer found Jenny staring at the wall, she reveals to her that she also found the yellow wallpaper a bit strange and…show more content…
Due to this, one may conclude women have to hide at times to fulfill their potential. Unlike the narrator, Jennie is the traditional kind of woman who conforms to what is expected from her at all times. Moreover, she serves the purpose that has been defined for her by men. She is also detached from the main character because she does not identify with the things that the author identifies with. Apart from that, a good reading into the story exposes to the reader how the issue of same sex relationship is still something that is frowned upon in the society. For example, even up to this century, people who are homosexuals still conceal their sexual preference. Also, one may conclude that the issue of gender equality is still a challenge in society, as shown in the story, and even up to this present day. Although many men champion for equality between them and women, they are still threatened by the presence of powerful women in the society. As evident in the story and also in society today, men seem to be more comfortable if women just become quiet members of society rather than progress to a status of equal
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