All Over But The Shoutin Analysis

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In All Over but the Shoutin’, Rick Bragg describes in his autobiography the type of life Southerners went through during the 1970s. Growing up during that time period was an extremely difficult for people because it involved racism, poverty, and segregation. Rick reflects on his impoverished childhood life story living in Alabama with an abusive alcoholic father, his two brothers Mark and Sam, and his mother who supported her family without anyone’s help. Rick demonstrates his experiences living in the civil rights movements such as Lila Quintero Weaver did as well in Darkroom. Bragg shows in his book how it is living in poverty throughout 1960s, while Weaver shares her experience as an immigrant moving to the United States dealing with segregation and discrimination. In Bragg’s All Over but the Shoutin’ and Weaver’s The Darkroom, the negative influences of the 1960s are evident to the struggles of living in the Deep South dealing with racism, social class and identity. Racism is something that has been occurring for several years, which is…show more content…
There are many things that motivate a person’s identity that involves their friends, family, household, and the environment they are surrounded by. In Darkroom, we see the Quintero’s try to fit into a different culture than that of Argentina, where here, it’s characterized by a person’s skin color. According to Lila Quintero in Darkroom, she states, “We were supposed to hold on to our Argentine identity.” (Weaver, Lila 46.) Due to Weaver’s conflict in adapting what it is like to be an American, she finds it much more difficult, she also finds her personal identity and accepting who she is a challenge during her time in the South. On the other hand, Bragg, who came from a family of an abusive alcoholic father and loving mother, is determined to shape his life to portray his mother’s comfort and

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