Fdr's Role In The Great Depression

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Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Roles in the Great Depression In the year 1929, the Great Depression took place and did not end until 1939. The Great Depression was considered in the United States as, “the deepest and longest lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world” (History 1). On October 29th, 1929, it was until the stock market crash that changed everything. Everything became worse and worsened every day. Unemployment increased to where workers suffered from no incomes to meet their everyday needs, businesses went bankrupt, and banks failed. According to, “The Great Depression,” from History.com, unemployment increased from 13 to 15 million in a short amount of time, investments and consumer spending dropped…show more content…
“Recovery is long term programs to strengthen the economy back to its pre-crash level” (Wilkison 6). Two more important acts that Roosevelt pushed are The Agricultural Adjustment Act and The National Industrial Recovery Act. According to, “The Great Depression and New Deal, 1929-1940s,” by Kyle Wilkison, The Agricultural Adjustment Act is also known as AAA was passed to stimulate increased farmer prices by paying farmers to produce less in 1933 (Wilkison). Another act that was also passed in 1933 was NIRA known as, The National Industrial Recovery Act to help avoid competition among consumers who were selling below cost. “The government temporarily suspended enforcement of anti-monopoly laws and sponsored what amounted to price-fixing as an emergency measure” (Wilkison). The National Industrial Recovery Act, which created the NRA is known as, The National Recovery Administration, and the Public Works Administration, “stimulate industrial production and improve competition by drafting corporate codes of conduct and limit production of consumer goods” (Colasanti and Ference).The Public Works Administration (PWA) helps create public construction establishes new jobs where it hired thousands of…show more content…
At the beginning of the Great Depression, everything became worse and worsened every day. Unemployment increased where workers suffered from no incomes to meet their everyday needs, businesses went bankrupt, and banks failed. With the help of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his 3 R’s that created the New Deal which had pulled the country and its people out of trouble during the Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had established and provided the Americans with benefits such as Social Security and unemployment insurance that are still affected today. “When the Great Depression began, the United States was the only industrialized country in the world without some form of unemployment insurance or social security…….. The first time provided Americans with unemployment, disability and pension for old age” (History
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