Frank Lloyd Wright: The Great American Architect

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Structured report I decided to do my report on Frank Lloyd Wright the great American architect. Frank Lloyd Wright redefined what was possible with architecture and in turn became famous around the world. He lived from 1867 to 1959 and in his lifetime developed a distinctively modern style of architecture which rejected the old traditional style of architecture as well as placing an important emphasis on what he called organic architecture. During his lifetime Frank Lloyd Wright strove to create buildings the expressed an idea of how we should live and understand the world and that architecture should belong where it stands and is a grace to the landscape instead of a disgrace. Early life Frank Lloyd Wright was a first generation welsh-American.…show more content…
Wright worked for Sullivan until 1893, when he breached their contract by accepting private commissions to design homes, and the two parted…show more content…
This commision would relaunch Frank Lloyd Wright’s career and take it to new heights. Kaufmann wanted Wright to design his holiday cottage deep in the Pennsylvania woodland. What he designed has been called the greatest house of the twentieth century. Even though it is eighty years old it still takes your breath away as it looks fantastically modern and yet timeless. Shockingly original and astonishingly beautiful, Fallingwater is marked by a series of cantilevered balconies and terraces constructed on top of a waterfall. Kaufmann would have expected the building to be beside the waterfall but but no one would have anticipated the building being right on top of the waterfall. The building is in true harmony with nature and is the most prevalent example of organic design. Every detail of the interior responds to the natural world in which it is set for example the floor is polished stone and evokes the rippled surface of the river below, the long lines of windows lift you into tree tops while the vibrant chairs and rugs are like birds or flowers. It is truly amazing how something so conspicuously man made can be in such sympathy with nature. Very few buildings from anywhere from any time in history express an uplifting idea of humanities place in the world like fallingwater. It remains one of Wright's most celebrated works, a national

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