Founding Brothers Chapter Summary

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Joseph J. Ellis wrote, “The American Revolution was still an experiment, a sail into uncharted waters that no ship of state had ever successfully navigated. There were no maps or charts to guide a republican government claiming to derive its authority and legitimacy from public opinion, that murky source of sovereignty that could be choppy and unpredictable as waves on the ocean (248).” Through the words of Ellis, we are able to watch the struggles of our Founding Brothers unfold in front of us throughout six crucial moments in our history. The Duel, the first chapter, tells us the story of what some people consider to be the most famous duel in American history. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr separately made their way to an isolated spot near Weehawken, New Jersey. There Hamilton was killed with Burr’s reputation. I find the whole encounter to be immature, but I am impressed by how strong their beliefs were. We are able to perceive the high expectations our Founding Brothers have set for each other. Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison came together and comprised a plan to relocate the nation's new capitol to the South and to pay off debt,…show more content…
Thomas Jefferson served as John Adam’s vice president. During this period, Jefferson and Adams became resentful towards each other due to many misunderstandings. Jefferson ran in the next election and won. After more than a decade, their friendship was renewed and they began to write to each other once again. They did not want to die enemies. We can see this when John Adams states, “You and I ought not to die before we have explained ourselves to one another,” to Thomas Jefferson (223). The irony of how they both died on July 4th, 1826 after reconnecting left me astounded. Because these last chapters restored my confidence in our nation’s former leaders, they were my

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