For-Profit'shadow Universe By Clara Miller

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The Looking-Glass World of Nonprofit Money: Managing in For-Profits’ Shadow Universe by Clara Miller. Summary of the different financial and business management considerations in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. The thesis of Clara Miller’s article is the rules of money and finance that governed the nonprofit sector in comparison to those in the for-profit sector. According to the writer the nonprofit sector have hard rules that govern their money, which does not leave room for innovation and profit making as compared to the for-profit sector. The nonprofit is a new and irrational world, like stepping through a looking glass. The rules are cumbersome, and when they applied are reversed. And the science behind the rules turns topsy-turvy. Not only are nonprofit rules that govern money and business dynamics, but are different from those in the for-profit sector. They are largely unknown, and even among nonprofits and their…show more content…
It seems moretimely than ever for the looking-glass universe of nonprofit management to be revealed. To the extent that government, philanthropy, and the for-profit sector rely on nonprofits to tackle many of our society’s greatest challenges, and are investing public and private funds to that end. The purpose of the Clara Millers article is to clarify the misconception about the nonprofits sector and that the nonprofit sector is doing more with less when it comes to overhead and administrative expenses, which has unnecessarily limited their abilities to function well. Also to convey to her reader’s how the nonprofit sector functions and take a clearer look at the irony that is meant to control costs actually undermines efficiency and program

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