Football Persuasive Essay

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Former Oakland Raider star running back Maurice Jones-Drew once stated “I know there will be a day when I'm going to have trouble walking. I realize that, but this is what I signed up for. Injuries are part of the game. If you don't want to get hit, then you shouldn't be playing”. Injuries are a reality in the world of football. Today we will be looking at the risks involved with playing football. There are many mental injuries that can result from the dangerous of playing football. One, in particular, is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, better known as CTE. Football is a high flying, fast, physical, exciting game that many love. The players intensity and energy on both sides of the ball can often be felt and experienced by the tens of thousands of fans surrounding the field. The sport’s growing popularity led to the formation of the National Football League, NFL, in 1920. Interestingly, CNN reports that prior to the formation of the NFL many were urging to ban the sport due to deaths. In the year of 1905, alone, before the creation of the NFL, 18 football players had died. What caused this? Football is a very physical and it also very dangerous. The repeated hits to the body, specifically the head, can cause long-term damage. In 2002 over 80…show more content…
According to the NFL In 2013 The NFL reached a $765 million settlement over concussion-related brain injuries among its 18,000 retired players, agreeing to compensate victims, pay for medical exams and underwrite research.More than 4,500 former athletes had sued the league, accusing it of concealing the dangers of concussions. Many more lawsuits have been filed and victims have received money, but does this fix the problem? Does shelling out money make your brain function properly? Of course not, but it can help with medical research to cure CTE, make football a safer game, and at the very least leave players with something for the

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