Flight 1420 Case Study

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On June 1, 1999 an American Airlines flight carrying 145 people crashed after overrunning the runway while landing at Little Rock International Airport. Flight 1420, a Douglas DC-9-82 was landing in Little Rock after departing from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, this was the last leg of the day for the flight crew. After landing on Runway 4R, Flight 1410 collided with the localizer that was located approximately 410 feet beyond the end of Runway 4R. The aircraft proceeded to break through security fence, the airport flood plain, and collided with the approach lighting system for Runway 22L. While the MD-82 was destroyed on impact, 134 people lived through the crash included the First Officer, Flight Attendants and many passengers. While many factors played into the crash of American Airlines Flight 1420, the National Transportation Safety Board found flight crew performance, decisions in regard to weather operations, and pilot fatigue as contributing factors. American Airlines Flight 1420 was scheduled for departure just prior to 8:30 pm; however, the previous flight on that airplane was…show more content…
Due to the previous delays, the crew decided to go ahead and continue the flight to Little Rock instead of choosing a diversion point, even though a Convective SIGMET was issued for the Little Rock area during the arrival time. During the final legs of the flight, American Airlines dispatch advised the flight crew of a "corridor" that would get the flight through the storm and to the airport safely. As Flight 1420 continued to Little Rock, the First Officer made it known that he was feeling uneasy about landing in Little Rock due to the weather, but even with the storm insight, the Captain made it clear that they were going to continue the approach and land at Little Rock International no matter the

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