Flaws In A Republican Society

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The original notion of republicanism is an ideology lost on the minds of modern Americans; a political system flushed with obligation and collective decision seems a concept too small for us to imagine. Even so, many Americans believe that our nation functions under a republican system, “and to the republic for which it stands…” something we once recited daily as a reminder of our commitment to an ancient political ideology, now almost impossible due to the size and lack of motivation of our citizens. There are many characteristics of republicanism that upon first glance appear to be appealing and beneficial to the citizens of a state, but when examined further it can be argued that it is quite unrealistic to ask such dedication and sacrifice of those simply attempting to live under natural and protected rights. Throughout…show more content…
Each author that touches on the subject of ideal republicanism acknowledges the fact that in order to function, “polis [must be] prior to the individual” a frightening thought that suggests this type of government refuses to understand the needs of the minority (Aristotle 37). Each theorist recognizes this essential flaw in the republican system as perfect necessity, criticized by those who believe citizens should make their own decisions about their life and perhaps as an afterthought consider how that affects the greater good (Ranciere 16). The flaw in republicanism arises as it refuses to acknowledge that in a diverse society there will always be competing views and interests, not parallel to the agenda of the current regime. In discussing modern republican theory, authors even admits to fearing passion within the masses, as it may inspire some type of revolution or transition from the common

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