Fire Captain Case Study

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I was promoted to the position of Fire Captain last year in March. Our fire de-partment is small when compared to the urban fire departments in Las Vegas. My de-partment only has eighteen combat employees, three of which are Fire Captains. We are represented by the Teamsters Local 14 Union. Our negotiating team is comprised of a negotiator and a union steward from the bargaining unit. Being a union steward is not a fun position to be in. You are rarely called when something good happens. It is my job as the newly elected union steward, I lost the vote 2-1 :(, for the Captains bargaining unit to discuss issues or grievances with the fire chief prior to getting the Teamsters Union involved. About three weeks ago I was called by one of the other…show more content…
I agreed with the Chief about his position. I agreed with the chief’s assessment of the cadets ability to improve and would be willing to allow him to test if he could promise that at the time of possibly hiring this employee that he would take in to account whether he had proven he had improved to a point that he could function as an independent paramedic and did not need someone to watch over him. Ultimately the agreed upon remedy was to allow the cadet to take the eligibili-ty test with the stipulation that his medical care was reevaluated prior to making a deci-sion about hiring him full-time. Honestly there was really no dysfunction during our negotiations. My position go-ing in to the meeting was to do what was best for our fire department. While this specific decision does sway more to the chiefs side there is a possibility that the next time it could easily sway to our side. Their has been times in the past that a good candidate was not allowed to take the test because of certain issues. We as the Union want the best employees to be eligible for the test. By strategically allowing the Chief to let this candidate take the exam the union places itself in a better position to allow a candidate that they want to take the exam at a later date. I could have easily prevented the chief from allowing the cadet to test. All of the evidence was on our side however, preventing the cadet from taking the exam was probably not the right thing for our department. While at this time the cadet in question may have very weak skills he may be a very strong paramedic in two years. If I prevented him form taking the test now and did de-velop into the type of paramedic we want here we would not be able to hire him and would be forced to hire a lesser qualified

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