Film Analysis Metropolis

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Directed by Fritz Lang in 1927, Metropolis is a futuristic science fiction film, Hutchinson, 2017 stated how the piece of cinema “is recognised as one of the landmarks of science-fiction”. Throughout this film it is shown how a division in social class can result in a ‘war-like’ environment, foreshadowing the devastation yet to be left by the Second World War. Holding timeless characteristics, it is easy to identify issues in this film that are still relevant in today’s society. Along with the social segregation that is prevalent in Metropolis, the story shows the oppression of the people living in this subterranean city. From the outset we can see how the residents in this city are divided into a lower and an upper class; or labourers and…show more content…
This structure echoes the theory of Karl Marx who explains how the ideologic state apparatus’, (in this case the work place) ensure the distinct separation between the bourgeois and proletariat instilling disparity in social class and keeping each person seemingly trapped in a desperate and helpless social situation. It is also apparent how the director is trying to convey the idea that with the growing nature of industrialisation, comes growing inequality. A notable quote of Maria is when she says “one man’s hymns of praise became the other man’s curse”, where Lang wanted to reference to how the struggle and hard work of the labourers goes unrecognised and unrewarded. The rulers are being praised for this city that they have designed, things physically created by the workers, whilst keeping the workers completely oblivious to what they are being used for; the workers are cursed by being stuck in a job they do not get self-fulfilment from however they are aware they cannot progress up the social ladder, so accept that this is the industry that they were born into and this is where they will stay, whilst the thinkers use this to capitalise on easy labour to create a bigger vision. This piece of cinema has an underlying message of “volkgemeinschaft” meaning “people’s community” ("Is the film Metropolis a reflection of the German culture during the 1920’s?", 2013) which was a popular expression during the first world war in which the concept is to unify the classes and remove any tensions. Maria and Freder are the main links to this, as they are both from opposite classes, yet they realise that the power and class division is not important and it is wrong and therefore attempt bring the two sides together and abolish the discrimination occurring. This is where the battle of communism is introduced and in essence, this is reflecting

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