Feuerstein's Theory Of Modifiable Intelligence

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The psychologist and Israeli educator, Feuerstein (1998) developed the theory of the Modifiable Intelligence, which is intended to stress the importance of the teacher taking the student to unique and high quality experiences in order to obtain optimal results when the student is evaluated within the classroom environment. His theory is focused in the interaction between the teacher and student and calls it the Mediated Learning Experience (Feuerstein, 1998). The neuropsychologist Marian Diamond (1998), discovered that the brain changes and improves each time the individual learns. Diamond called her theory The Plasticity of the Brain which involves interpersonal stimulation, environment conditions and how each person thinks and behaves…show more content…
A total of 84 students were part of the investigation in which were divided into a group control and experimental group. Thea teaching and learning process has to begin real life situations in order to facilitate the students’ process to perceive, interpret, comprehend, and to make important decisions. For this study, seven didactic strategies were applied in order to enhance the students’ performance based on the necessities and interests of the students. Each strategy used in this investigation used Howard Gardner’s’ multiple intelligence theory. Before the learning and teaching process took place, a test was administered to the groups (control and experimental). This was done to measure the knowledge of the sixth grade students. The investigation revealed a low level achievement by the students in basic competences while the other group had more changes due to the didactic strategies implemented on the experimental group. The changes consisted of the following: an active participation from the students, and better decision making. It was also observed that there was interest in finding different ways to obtain the same results, creativity and perseverance on solving problems. The students also demonstrated respect towards others’ ideas, better content comprehension and to value their own knowledge and to…show more content…
The purpose of the Project was to demonstrate if the theory benefits or not the students who present difficulties in learning or acquiring new knowledge. The sample was constituted by second grade students between the ages of seven to eleven years old. During the project, teachers were trained. One of the tasks was to reflect about the teaching process and why it works for some students and not others. A comparative analysis of the learning process of each student was taken place in order to consider their predominant intelligence and work from there. The project tried to determine whether or not the student’s predominant intelligence has an effect in their learning process. Every student of the experimental group reached a noticeable increase in their academic achievement in every area. The students who received treatment evidenced progress. The Multiple Intelligences theory is an excellent resource between children and teachers in the classroom environment. The results evidenced that the Multiple Intelligences’ theory is an effective model that tries to emphasize a new way the learning and teaching process should be conducted. In this case, its biggest contribution was to suggest teachers that they should expand their repertoire of techniques, tools and strategies in their classroom other than the traditional chalk and board

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